Yes! It’s OK to FALL, because I want to LEARN how to get UP again!
How often do we have that feeling of heaviness in our chest and belly after we think we failed at something?
But have we really failed?
When there is luck of success or our intentions haven’t successfully been accomplished, people in order to describe such situations use the word fail.
What if every time we ‘failed’ we used instead the word ‘I learnt’ ?
There is a saying that I use, to face any situation that comes into my life, ‘Sometimes you Win, sometimes you Learn’
If we could program our mind and thougths to use different words when we get that unplessant feeling, our reaction and also action could possibly shift to a better, more positive life.
That is because, although it’s still the same situation that we have to face, we approach it by a different angle.
We choose how to feel, what to ‘see’, what is there to be learnt and how to act uppon it.
So, GO, try next time you think you ‘I failed’, to say ‘I learnt’.
Conciously now you think of the things you learnt and make them your little personal wisdom in Life. You will feel more confident to stand up again next time, as when ‘you fall 7 times, and you stand up 8’.
That is your strenght and power, your fuel to be creative, passionate and ambitious!
Just say: I believe everything is working perfectly. I trust the divine order of things. I am in harmony with the world. I am accepting.’
The power of our thoughts, lies withing the power of our words.And the power of our words, shows the power of our life.
"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.’’ Nelson Mandela
Eleni Daskalopoulou